Lane Cove Childcare Providers Share Family Bonding Benefits

Family bonding is so important to children, especially during their early childhood years.  Unfortunately, very few parents take time to actively bond with their children nowadays. And this more often ends up with negative effects on the child’s development, a fact that any Lane cove childcare provider can confirm.

Notably, technology has contributed to this. It is unfortunate that most parents substitute spending quality time with their children with electronics such as phones and video games. That should not be the case. Below, we show you why you should prioritise family bonding.

Aids In Developing Social Skills

No parent wants their children to have anxiety in social settings. When it happens, your child secludes themselves from the rest. You will also notice that they have trouble expressing themselves when among others. In their Lane Cove childcare centre, they may not do so well in group activities. 

That is why you need to set aside enough time to bond. This way, your child practices speaking to others by trying it out with family members. 

Proper bonding enables your child to learn important social skills that will assist them to stand out in a social setting. Listening to and speaking to family members reduces social anxiety and awkwardness by far.

Improves Self-esteem

Children who do not spend quality bonding time with their families tend to have low self-esteem. In addition to that, your child may also end up developing psychological problems. How is that possible? 

Caregivers from Lane Cove childcare centres admit that most children who do not spend quality bonding time with their families often feel unloved and unappreciated. This in turn results in low self-esteem which then pushes your child into being meek. 

Eventually, they begin relying so much on other people’s opinions. In future, they could end up seeking affection even from toxic people. Bonding, on the other hand, helps them find their own identity as they play their part in your family. 

Enhances Communication

Spending quality time with your child makes them good listeners which is very essential in communication. This is because it provides a safe space where children are able to voice out their thoughts. It also enables you to have a better understanding of your child’s needs. 

For instance, going for a picnic or to the zoo with your child creates an enabling environment where they can communicate their feelings with you as compared to being in the house. 

Caregivers from the best Lane Cove childcare centres suggest engaging in outdoor activities with your child. This encourages your child to talk freely.

A Base For Meaningful Relationships

Spending quality time with your child directly shapes how they will interact with other people who aren’t family. For instance, if you enrol your child in a Lane Cove childcare centre, how they interact with their caregivers will depend on your interaction at home. They will bully others if that’s the atmosphere at home and vice versa. 

Children generally imitate how their parents behave. Family bonding sets good examples for your child. It shows them compassion which they then project to the people they meet outside. 

Failure to do this hinders your child from establishing and maintaining meaningful relationships later in life. They wouldn’t know how to make friends.

From the reasons we have shared, you can clearly see why family bonding is essential to our child. As a parent, you are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring you are spending enough quality time with your child. Create time in your busy schedule to engage in fun activities with your child. After all, you can never be too busy for the ones you love. For more ideas, you can speak to a Lane Cove childcare provider. 


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