Potty Training Tips From Your Trusted Macquarie Park Childcare

 Your child grows hitting milestone after milestone. These milestones bring joy and reflect positive growth for your child. However, some of them may be difficult to navigate. Potty-training is one of the tough ones. Macquarie Park childcare providers fully understand the struggle that comes with potty training

Knowing when exactly your baby is ready to potty-train can be a challenge. You should only start potty-training when your child is ready and not when you think they should be ready. Navigating the dos and don’ts when they finally show the signs can also be daunting. 

To help you with this, we discuss five successful ways to potty-train your child, as shared to us by our experienced caregivers. 

Start The Positive Potty-Training Talks

Intentionally speak to your child about the benefits of using the toilet. You can start to say things like

how nice flushing the loo after using it is.  Or how awesome it feels to put on underwear after taking a poop. 

Our caregivers also advise that you tell your child how independent they are if they use their potty well. This encourages them to try. Tell them it is a step towards them being like mommy or daddy. 

Also, do not withdraw diapers from them all of a sudden. A sudden withdrawal could trigger some sort of resistance. The withdrawal should be intentional but gradual. 

Talk to your Macquarie Park childcare provider for more positive potty-training talks.

Get All The Supplies Required

Be sure to gather all the supplies you’ll need to make this milestone a success. An important tip on this is to involve your child. Allow them to select their favourite underwear. They will enjoy putting on something they love and select. 

You will also need a potty for toilet training. Let your child pick their favourite shape, colour and size of the potty but with your guidance. If they are involved in the selection process, they look forward to using it. 

Your Macquarie Park childcare provider will tell you that this triggers some level of curiosity in them.  They want to know how to keep their potty and underwear clean. 

For more responsibility, have them bring other important items like toilet paper and wipes.   

Dress Them In Potty-Training Friendly Clothes

When toilet training, ensure that you dress your child in the right clothes. These should be clothes that

are easy to pull up and down seamlessly. 

Our caregivers advise that you ditch the ones with buttons and zippers. Clothes that do not come off easily frustrate your child, prompting them to soil themselves. Talk to your Macquarie Park childcare provider for more ideas on what clothes to dress them in. 

While changing diapers, encourage your child to pull their pants up and down as a way of training them. By doing this, you encourage them to get used to it before the real training happens.

Place Potty In A Convenient Place

When potty-training, the most convenient spot for you to place the potty is in the washroom or close by. This helps your child connect that the potty is to be used there and not anywhere else. They will find it easily when the need arises. You might want to place a different potty in their bedroom for ease of access after naps.

Any Macquarie Park childcare provider will also mention to you the need to emphasize hygiene while potty training. Lead by example since children learn best through imitation. Go the extra mile of doing demonstrations and encouraging them to follow the same steps. 

Tell them the importance of washing their hands. You can make the hygiene bit interesting by buying fancy-shaped soaps for your child. Also, get them a towel to dry their hands every time they wash them after using the potty. 

Reward Progress

When you start potty training, do not do it without a plan. Effective training needs a workable schedule. You can have them use the potty immediately after meals or before meals. An alternative would be you deciding at what intervals they should use the potty. 

Say maybe after an hour or so after feeding.  By doing this, your kid picks it as a new habit. After a while, they start looking forward to using the potty. For each and every progress that your child makes, reward or clap for them. Childcare Macquarie Park providers say this encourages and motivates the child.

Armed with these five tips, potty training will be a relatively easy milestone for you to navigate. Remember that this process requires a lot of patience. Avoid comparing your child’s progress with the progress of another child. Every child is different. Understand that being without a diaper is a new experience and it may feel uncomfortable for your child. Reassure them that it is alright to feel that way instead of scolding them into adaptation. With time, they will get it and you will both be happy. You can talk to your Macquarie Park childcare provider for more tips. 


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